The Tunnel? You already know how that spot used to go down on Sunday nights. That was the house Flex built. I remember one night King Sun and I left Hot 97 after Sun performed on the Furious Five show that used to come on after Street Soldiers at 10pm. Sun,me and a few of my friends went to the Tunnel right after. The line used to be bananas outside. This is when Wu just came out and Ol' Dirty was out front wilding out. LL was there, Smooth B, Busta Rhymes etc. To get in the Tunnel you had to take off your boots or sneakers, empty your pocket and the bouncer used to look in your mouth for razors. Females had their weaves violated by female bouncers looking for razors in their tracks! lol That's how crazy it used to be in there. Sun had a little issue with Busta over some 5% business. As soon as we walk in we see Busta who was wearing the same black and white coat he had on in the Who Haa video, talking to a few females. Sun immediately walks up to him EXCUSES the girls and starts talking to Busta. LOL. They work out whatever the issue was and everything is cool. During the night we split up in the spot and me and my friends were upstairs in the lounge area over looking the main bar and dance floor. Sun was downstairs and that dude is so tall we could see him from upstairs. All of a sudden Sun motions for us to come down. When I get down he tells me " We gotta bounce . I got beef in here with LES" I said " The producer cat??" He says " Nahh the Lower East Side!" As soon as he says that I see cats starting to make their way towards us. Sun says " walk ahead of me and get the car if anything I can hold it down! He didn't have to tell me twice.lol Luckily their were wild cops outside and when we got out we were all able to walk to the car and the cats that were following Sun couldn't make a move. Shit was crazy but a good memory. Shouts to Sun Doolah! Enjoy
Live from the Tunnel pt 1
Live from the Tunnel pt 2
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