Sunday, November 30, 2008


I have the funniest Busy Bee story but I can't tell it....ALRIGHT I will change some names to protect the not so innocent! lol. Iused to work with Jazzy Jef from the Funky Four +1. He had a studio called Platinum Touch down on 14sst right across from Nells in NYC. (BTW I have some Jeff stories too....but that's another post) Anyway , I was at the studio with Jeff , the original AZ from Mobb Style, Busy Bee,my man John and a well known producer. Busy was telling stories of how when he used to go see a chick and spend the night, he would wait for her to go to the bathroom and then stash his jewlery and money under the mattress so she would not be able to steal it while he was sleep! LOL He is a funny cat to this day. Anyway the well known producer, my man John and I were getting ready to leave to go to the Palladium for Chris Lighty's Bday party. Busy asked us if he could ride with us. I did not care but apparently well known producer did. As we got to my car the well known producer said to me " Yo let's be out, I don't want this nigga to come" Little did the well known producer know, Busy Bee was standing right behind him! LOL Well known producer looked back and then got in the front seat of my car. Busy Bee was on the phone and did not get in yet. My man John was in the back seat. So the well known producer says to me " A yo Chris, you think he hard me?? Before I could answer my man John says " HELL YEAH!!!!" LMAO Busy Bee gets in the car and we start driving. Its kind of quiet and I feel bad. 2 blocks later Busy tells me " Aight man you can let me out right here...Ima meet up with this girl hahaha" I totally felt bad because I knew he heard and was just getting out the car out of pride. Well known producer put his foot in his mouth but if you knew him you would not be surprised. Respect to Busy Bee man, He;s a cool funny dude and a true pioneer. Watch this vido

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