Thursday, February 5, 2009


Being involved in this industry for a number of years , I feel it is important to share something with you. Don't ever stop chasing your dreams, but be REALISTIC and plan in case you don't make it. I get many submissions from artists , producers that tell me " Yo I'm dedicated , this is all I do and this has to work for me" For some people this may be a reality but for most it's just unrealistic. This business is not guaranteed and its very unforgiving. You could " get on" and still struggle. This is a business where to a certain degree you have to rely on someone else to have your best interest in mind. Most of the time..99% of the time..they wiill NOT! Give yourself an option with your life in CASE this does not work out the way you think it will. I do this for the love of hip hop. I make no money off of this blog. If you love doing this then do it strictly for the love of it and don't just chase the money. Believe me you will find that you will get more out of this and the money will come if you do it for the right reasons. Don't follow the pack..set yourself apart from EVERYONE! That's the only way you will make it in this business. Be original and be observant to what everyone around you is doing and DO THE OPPOSITE! Don't be afraid to be different and make your own lane. Most of the younger generation does not realize that one of the BIGGEST violations you could make back in the days was to BITE SOMEONES STYLE!!!. Now, it seems like everyone is cool with the follow the next man mentality. Thats NOT HIP HOP! You want to be compared to someone else or do you want someone else to be compared to you? Ask yourself that question before you start spending money on studios, producers , mixtape covers etc... If one person takes heed to my advice. I will feel this blog is a success. DO IT FROM THE HEART....BUT PLAN TO GET YOUR HEART BROKEN. Peace



Dj Ducats aka Count Chopulla said...

Well said. It can not be stressed enough. I get tons of emails and requests to check out MySpace pages, and joint their fanbase etc. An occupational hazzard I suppose; sifting through the trash to find the gems.


Thanks. I know after awhile everything sounds the same.